Angkor wat history of Cabodia | khmer history

In order to rightly understand the real Cambodia, one must visit one of the excessive archaeological places in the world; the unworldly heart and personality of the Khmer citizens: the Angkor complex. Had any of the top temples, mainly Angkor Wat been constructed anywhere else they would be as well-known or as visited as the Taj Mahal, the Parthenon, the Coliseum or the Pyramids of Egypt. Angkor is without uncertainty one of the most awesome architectural masterworks left standing in the world nowadays. Without witnessing them at first hand it is difficult to measure the horror of task confronted by the constructors of the time and the fact they are so comprehensive after all this time is further evidence to the progressive construction methods working more than a millennium ago. Everything is built on a huge scale and one can only visualize the awe felt by ancient tourists as the civilization was at its peak. it is predictable that over one million people lived there building it the largest metropolis in its time. Witness the two hands dug pools that served the society's rice growing agriculture: The Eastern Baray measures 7 km by 1.8km and the Western Baray measures 8 km by 2.3 km. Angkor Wat is the tradintional home of the Khmer people and its custom, in several appearances has acted and is still on the national flag. had it been located in the Mediterranean basin it would have been of of the eight wonders of the world heritage. The Lost City of Angkor was to keep on undiscovered by Western archaeologists until the late 19th century and ever since has continued to make surprising to all visitors who see it for the first time: neither pictures nor words do it honesty. Angkor Wat is a gift of the power that was once the Khmer Empire, a detailed history of which has been engraved into the many walls of this fortified temple. The temple is manageable by an enormous rock causeway across the hundred ninety meter moat, itself an incredible feat of engineering, to the west face of the Wat.

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